Happy New Year from HDI San Diego!
Be on the lookout - our next chapter meeting will be held in March.Interface - San Diego

Registration is open - this is a free event for HDI Members and each guest will be able to earn up to 6 CPE credits during the day.
Join us on LinkedIn
Have you ever wanted to get the opinion of your peers on an issue at work, wondered what other I.T. organizations are doing, or just wanted to see what other service organizations are doing in San Diego? If this is so, then our LinkedIn group is what you have been looking for! Join your peers in talking about current issues and share your expertise! Please visit our San Diego HDI Chapter LinkedIn Site to get involved!
HDI Premier Awards Sponsor: Robert Half Technology
HDI proudly acknowledges Robert Half Technology as the exclusive sponsor of the HDI Awards program. Robert Half Technology has held this sponsorship since 2004, and since this time has given award finalists the opportunity to be honored as leaders within the technical service and support industry, attend the industry's leading conference, understand more about their industry, and network with peers from around the globe.

With more than 100 locations in North America and Europe, Robert Half Technology is a leading provider of technology professionals for initiatives ranging from web development and multiplatform systems integration to network security and technical support. Robert Half Technology offers online job-search services at www.rht.com.
© 2025 San Diego Chapter of the Help Desk Institute | Site designed and maintained by GTC Systems | Photo compliments of Sandiegodigitalphotos.com | Golden Pride slot | Catdiana slot