About HDI
A UBM Tech company, HDI is the professional association and certification body for the technical service and support industry. Facilitating collaboration and networking, HDI hosts acclaimed conferences and events, produces renowned publications and research, and certifies and trains thousands of professionals each year. HDI also connects solution providers with practitioners through industry partnerships and marketing services.
Guided by an international panel of industry experts and practitioners, HDI serves a community of more than 120,000 technical service and support professionals and is the premier resource for best practices and emerging trends.
Headquartered in Colorado Springs, CO, HDI offers training in multiple languages and countries. For more information, visit www.ThinkHDI.com or call +1 719.268.0174.
HDI chapter of San Diego meetings provide a forum for you and your peers to:-
1. Exchange ideas
2. Draw on the expertise of industry associates
3. Share information on industry trends and events
4. Enhance the stature of the Help Desk within members' respective organizations
5. Provide direct input to the National HDI organization as to possible conference speakers, training needs, and professional issues which HDI should be addressing.

This honor shows the HDI community that the San Diego chapter is providing a valuable resource to it's members.

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