About HDI

  • Sponsor Policy
  • Presenter Policy
  • Instructions for Host Site
The San Diego Chapter of the HDI encourages companies and individuals with products and services related to the service and help desk industry to related to the service and technical support industry.

We believe that a strong partnership between vendors and practitioners can strengthen and encourage all of us to provide superior service to our clients and our customers. We offer a number of levels of sponsorship for our San Diego HDI Chapter:

Friend of HDI – Sponsorship $3,000 per year
  • 1. display space at each meeting

  • 2. public acknowledgement at each meeting

  • 3. quarterly 15-minute presentation at a meeting or event

  • 4. space for white paper downloads on website (max of 5 white papers).

Web Sponsor – Sponsorship $1,000 per year
  • 1. space on home page of Chapter’s web site

  • 2. space for two white papers for download

Meeting or Event Sponsor

There are two levels of sponsorship for meetings and events:

Gold Sponsor – Sponsorship $500 for meeting or event*

  • 1. display space at the meeting or event

  • 2. public acknowledgement at the meeting or event

  • 3. 10-minute presentation at the meeting or event

Silver Sponsor – Sponsorship $200 for meeting or event*

  • 1. display space at the meeting or event

  • 2. public acknowledgement at the meeting or event

Customized Sponsorships

Do I have to find a meeting site?

No. A Sponsor is not required to find the site. It is an option. If the Sponsor cannot find or doesn’t wish to find a site, they need to let the V.P Programs know at least 30 days in advance. The V.P. Programs will find the location and coordinate all necessary details with the Sponsor.

When do I have to pay?

Annual sponsorships such as the Friend of HDI and Web Sponsor can be paid at any time. Sponsorship benefits begin the month after the payment is received, and extend for the next 12 months.

Sponsorship payment for Gold and Silver meeting/event sponsorships should be received by the Chapter at least 4 weeks in advance of the meeting or event.

How do I pay?

Payment is accepted by cash, check, Visa or MasterCard. Checks can be made payable to HD Chapters of San Diego Inc., and can be mailed to San Diego HDI Chapter, P. O. Box 742014, San Diego, CA 92174-2014

Is the HDI Chapter non-profit?

The San Diego chapter is a 501c3 organization so your sponsorship may also have tax benefits.

The HDI Chapters of San Diego Inc. has established the following guidelines for speaking and/or making presentations before the group during Chapter meetings or other Chapter events.
  • 1. The opportunity to speak to the chapter membership is not to be considered a sales presentation for your product or company. The topic and content of your presentation and any written materials should be as “vendor neutral” as possible. For example, a presentation on help desk software should include those features or expectations common to all or most software packages or systems.

  • 2. Presentation length is flexible. Your presentation should be at least 30 minutes in length but not to exceed 1 hour, including question and answer time. If your presentation does not fit within these time parameters, please contact the Chapter VP of Programs or the Chapter President prior to the meeting date.

  • 3. If your presentation requires any special equipment, i.e. laptops, display units, VCRs, etc. you will need to supply them or advise the Chapter VP of Programs at least 3 weeks prior to the planned presentation.

  • 4. Sales materials, brochures and business cards can be distributed to those chapter members in attendance, but these should not be a part of the presentation. A table or display area can be set up for sales materials. Please be sure to let the Chapter VP of Programs know in advance if you would like this option made available.

  • 5. Please provide any biographical data on yourself and other presenters to the Chapter VP of Programs at least 4 weeks prior to the planned presentation event.

  • 6. Information for promotional notices should be provided to the Chapter VP of Programs at least 4 weeks prior to the planned presentation. This information should include 3-4 bullet points to be covered during the presentation and why this subject is relative to the Support Industry.

  • 7. If possible, please provide an electronic copy (email, MS Word document or web site link) of your presentation to the Chapter VP of Programs prior to the date of the presentation. The Chapter will use these materials and/or documents for the sole purpose of making them available to those chapter members who could not attend the meeting. The Chapter will not sell or publish these materials, unless prior approval is obtained from the presenter. Presenters may be asked to give permission for the materials to be posted on the Chapter’s web site.

  • 8. If a link to a web site is provided to the chapter, the chapter may publish that link on the Chapter web site and/or in Chapter reminder emails to its members. Please contact the Chapter VP of Programs for complete details.

The sign-in sheet of attendees is not available to the presenter. The Chapter considers this important to avoid disruptive follow up “sales calls” after the meeting. The speaker is free to collect business cards in whatever fashion desirable, e.

The HDI Chapters of San Diego, Inc. has established the following guidelines for host site for Chapter meetings or other Chapter events.
  • 1. The host site will provide 1 table and two chairs at the door to allow for “check-in” of the attendees.

  • 2. The host site will provide 2 tables in the rear of the room where brochures, etc. can be displayed.

  • 3. The host site will need to provide a conference room with the seating capacity of 30 or more depending on the needs of the presentation.

  • 4. The host site will provide table or counter space for serving of refreshments, and trash disposal containers.

  • 5. Any special equipment such as laptops, display units, VCRs, etc. will be coordinated with the Chapter VP of Programs, and may be provided by the host site, the speaker, or the VP of Programs. Any electrical connections will be coordinated with the host site.

  • 6. The host site will make appropriate arrangements with any site security entrances for the entrance and exit of HDI attendees at the meeting.

  • 7. A representative from the host site will provide the Chapter VP of Programs with correct street address and driving directions to the site at least 4 weeks prior to the meeting date. Any special parking and security instructions should also be communicated at that time.

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